A Life of Dignity


A Chinese proverb states, “If you give a man a fish, you provide a meal; but, if you teach a man how to fish, you provide him a vocation and a means of livelihood”. Astitva provides vocational training and skill development, which has led to multiple employment options.

Creating Opportunities

With a mission to set up a thriving cotton industry in the heart of Shirpur, Astitva continues to provide employment and growth to over 5,000 locals. Employees are trained with skills, creating competence among them. The opportunity for further development is even offered.

Return of the Prodigal

Lack of livelihood essentials drove people into poverty, while some migrated to places with sustenance. Subsequently, due to the water initiatives undertaken by Astitva, fertile land became abundant, and an enumerable scope for farming came to life. Thus, poverty started to abate, and people returned to their homeland.

Transformed Lives

Livelihood is what one searches for all their life. A stable source of income and good living conditions can go a long way. This is proven through the marvellous transformation of Shirpur, which has benefited thousands of families.

Our Achievements
Our Humble Service
  • jobs generated
  • Families benefited
  • 24
    Competent employees