Restoring the Bounties of Nature


Neem is a wonderful tree. Its dried leaves are a natural pesticide. As air passes through these trees, it gets cleaned, creating a healthier environment; thus, these have been grown in abundance. Water is an increasingly scarce commodity, and optimising its usage and maximising its availability is essential. Rainwater harvesting has been undertaken to prevent this resource from being wasted.

Environmental Needs

Our surroundings influence our health and, thus, our livelihood. A clean and thriving environment can boost the quality of life. Astitva’s ingenuity has transformed the landscape of Shirpur by enhancing sustainability, combating climate change, and nurturing a cleaner environment.

Neem Plantation

Considering the highly beneficial properties of Neem trees, Astitva took up neem tree plantation to enhance the local ecology. Over 1, 20,000 trees are planted in and around Shirpur.

Rainwater Harvesting

Water scarcity has resulted in the depletion of natural assets. The Shirpur Pattern entailed the construction of over 200 check dams spaced at strategic intervals to harvest and store over 151 crore litres of rainwater. The water table has risen significantly, from about 800 feet deep to 150 feet. Shirpur is now capable of sustaining for up to 25 years without additional water and is greener than ever.

Our Achievements
Our Humble Service
  • Neemtrees planted
  • 151.56
    Number of check dams
  • 24
    Water harvested in Litres