The Rural Regeneration


With periodic ploughing, organic manuring, and irrigation, the soil is enriched to yield good produce. This was initiated by an extension of activities like providing quality seeds, manure, and training for better agricultural practices, with marketing and export assistance.

The farmers who had abandoned their fields returned and discovered the advantages of taking to agriculture. Over 40,000 acres of land are now covered through extension.

Water for Farming

The fundamental requirement for agriculture is water and seed. Astitva’s water conservation techniques have been elemental in irrigating 42,000 acres of farmland, increasing land value through multiple crop growth. The water table, thus risen, is maintained, and uninterrupted farming ensues.

Crops Grown

Land topography conduction proved that lands in Shirpur are ideal for the growth of cotton and sugarcane. Thus, these cash crops were encouraged; moreover, seeds and needs for their cultivation were met. Successful cultivation of crops, such as watermelon, ladyfinger, tomatoes, and a large variety of vegetables, has created further opportunities for expansion and export, spreading the fruit of Shirpur’s diligence throughout the world.

Farmers Thriving

Farmers are the backbone of our country. At Shirpur, about 52% of the population invests in farming. Through access to social security schemes and numerous other initiatives, agriculture is thriving, exports are soaring, the farmers are getting their dues better than ever, and most importantly, reverse migration is booming.

Our Achievements
Our Humble Service
  • Agriculture in acres
  • Exports Tons per month
  • +
    Better livelihood